Tuesday, July 10, 2007

It Has Been Awhile

Yes, it certainly has. Why would we be so busy? Well, most of you know that the move was difficult because the movers decided at the last minute that they wouldn't show up on Monday, but Thursday. So, Natasha and I decided to haul ass up to the Big Apple ourselves. On my first day of work, Natasha told me that the two of us were going to have a really big job...sometime around now; we're going to be parents. Natasha found a job with a good company, BoxTop Media, and once that happened, we were able to purchase an apartment in the beautiful town of Great Neck, NY. We have some renovations to do, minor ones, just some electrical, floor refinishing, painting. We'll show some pictures once we close, which will be on Thursday.
Natasha is doing well. Unfortunately, one of the many rigors of being pregnant is swollen...everything. Her legs and feet are swollen; they hurt, but she is a real trooper. She still looks beautiful, although she'll tell you she's a relative of Shamu or Sherman Klump from the Nutty Professor. Baby O, who is still unnamed and won't have a name until he's born, is doing well. He's got one hell of a kick and usually kicks when the Long Island Railroad train blows its horn in the morning and when he gets hungry (just like his dad). The good thing though is that he sleeps through the night, we think, or it may just be that mommy is so tired she doesn't feel the baby kicking. I say this because a lot of people have told us that babies' sleeping habits in the womb tend to follow outside. We hope that Baby O sleeps well for mommy and daddy's sake.
Sammie survived the move too. He went through a slight destructive phase in Nana & Grandpa's house. He thought Nana's living room blinds were tasty. He also thought Nana & Grandpa needed new carpeting by the door in the den, so he tore it up. And minus chewing Daddy's, Grandpa's, and Nana's shoes, and not letting us sleep during thunderstorms, he has been a sweet little Boober. We got him some help. A really terrific trainer, Leslie Berliner, Confidentk9.com, helped us build upon the training Sammie received in West Virginia from Eva Morales at itsapeththang. So that's it for now. This blog will be regularly updated. We've got a video camera and we're going to being uploading news breaks , so stay tuned. Enjoy the pictures and post comments. We only want to hear the good ones. Until the next Oxblog---