Monday, August 6, 2007

MEN--No More Bitching

There's no doubt this is the face of a proud mom holding her baby--only seconds old, if that. But gentlemen, the next time you feel the urge to bitch about something minuscule, I want you to think about one thing--child birth. I didn't give birth, but I stood next to my wife as she gave everything she had to bring our handsome son, David, into the world. Before this picture, Natasha was in a much more uncomfortable, painful, and indescribable position. As a man, you can't even imagine. It's nothing like they show you in the movies--that's all fake bullshit. Some women, like my wife, elect to have an epidural, which numbs basically the waist down. For about 6 hours, we didn't know she was having contractions unless we looked at the monitor. But I can not begin to tell you what women have to go through to bring a child into the world. First, watching her use muscles you can't see to push the baby out was incredible. Doctors, nurses, interns, and residents are poking and prodding all over the place. It's one of those things where unless you go through it or witness your spouse or relative giving birth, you have no idea what it entails. Think about it; in some instances, as was ours, my wife hadn't eaten a real meal (we saw Die Hard and ate a bunch of junk food at the movies); she hadn't slept; and then she had to conjure up all of this energy to, and I quote Kirstie Alley from Look Who's Talking, "push something the size of a watermelon out something the size of a lemon." And frankly guys, if you don't look at your wife giving birth, no pun intended, but you're a pussy. It is, hands down, one of the most surreal and precious moments ever. A few friends who are already dads were like, don't look, don't look. I'd be sorry if I didn't look. Seeing the doctor hold my son up and hearing David belt out a good scream is one of the best moments of my life. I will say that following the birth of the baby, it can get a little messy with the afterbirth, but I was too busy with my video camera and following David's nurse around to the scale. So guys, the next time you stub your toe or get a kink in your neck, remember the pain when your wife gives birth; you'll appreciate her much more.

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