Monday, November 19, 2007

November Update

It really has been a long time since I've been on here--so long that I forgot the friggin password. Anyway, we're in and we're here. Things have been pretty busy around the Oksenhendler household.
First, it's hard to believe that our little boy, David, is almost 4 months old. Now he's laughing, smiling, babbling, and jumping around in his bouncy thing. I have no idea what this is called. Our nasty, shitbag downstairs neighbors probably can't wait til he starts walking. But he is sleeping through the night, although teething hasn't started yet. For the most part he is a really good baby--actually, he's a freakin' genius!

David has also been getting a lot of play-time with his grandparents. Nana and Grandpa were here last week. Nana comes after work to relieve Rosa. Grandpa comes to play with David because they have a lot in common--they both like cartoons and have no hair.

And then, last weekend, David paid Babushka, Dedushka, and pra-dedushka (grandma and grandpa in Russian) a surprise visit in Rockville. You can bet whenever David shows up, everyone is happy! Here are some pics!!

We've finally put the finish touches on Casa de Oksenhendler. Our blinds are up and everyone and everything are pretty much settled in. Within the next few months, we're going to redo our closet. This piece of shit on wood tracks from 1949 really is annoying when Natasha and I go to get our clothes. Also, a plasma t-v will soon be visiting Jason & Natasha's bedroom. Oh, getting back to the closet--I was excited about the plasma--we're going to update the closet with a custom-made California-style closet. My wife has been investigating these, as she needs room for plethora of footwear. She only has two feet--how many shoes can a woman need? Men, there is no definitive answer to this question.

Sammie, the son-of-a-bitch, apparently likes to tear the pads of his paws while scratching at the floor and getting pieces of floor lacquer in his feet. Needless to say, mommy and daddy are unhappy at his attempts to leave the apartment, but if he keeps f***ing up the nice hardwood floors, he won't have to scratch at the door--he'll be on the other side of it.

Natasha is doing well. Actually, she had some trouble with milk production (yes men, breasts can be spoken about in a polite manner--not for long though), but actually, through a few visits to an acupuncturist, the milk is a flowin'. I'm sure she's really thrilled anyone in the world can read about her boobs. And that's all you'll get to do. There are no pictures, ahem! She is truly enjoying motherhood, and I have to tell you, she is an amazing mom. I thought I loved the woman before she gave me a child, but it's amazing to see her operate as a mom. David's a lucky kid and I am a lucky dad (I am not writing to suck up. I have done nothing wrong as of yet--give me time). Tell me that's not one of the best pics in the world. The flash from the camera made my wife have a dream she was being followed by the paparazzi--I am not kidding.

I am doing well. Work is fun--doing some more podcasting. I am studying for my GMATs (graduate management admissions test). What a bitch! Critical reasoning, hard math problems, shit--I thought I ended this mess in college. In all seriousness, I want to learn more about the types of analysis that I edit, so a trip back to school for finance or accounting is in order. But the most enjoyable job right now is being a dad to this terrific kid. I never knew being a dad could be so fulfilling.

That's really about it. We're getting ready for Thanksgiving. This year has been very giving to my entire family. My wife and I were blessed with a terrific son and a terrific home, but we're also very grateful for the fact that my youngest brother-in-law, Natasha's brother Symon, is on the road to what we are hoping is a very quick recovery. He is a real star in everyone's book because last May, shortly after his Bar Mitzvah, he endured a surgery to have his legs lengthened. I cannot tell you the excruciating, and I mean agonizing amounts of pain and multiple surgeries this child endured. He was laid up in a hospital bed with these rods and pins in his legs, both the upper and lower part, and was truly in unimaginable amounts of pain. I have never heard someone writhe in pain as my little brother-in-law did. For a 13-year old, we all truly admire his courage, braveness, and his endurance to work hard and get back on his feet. He frequently reads this blog and has been on my ass to update it--so Symon, this one's for you! Get well soon!

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